If you want to know how to make money by Pinterest Affiliate marketing even if you don’t have a blog then I am going to lay down the exact steps that you should follow.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
First things first what exactly is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing simply means promoting other people’s products and services in exchange for a small affiliate commission. This means if you promote a product on amazon and if you’re a part of their affiliate marketing network then you would stand to gain a commission each time someone buys a product from your affiliate link.
Does Pinterest really allow Affiliate Marketing?
The next question that you’re probably wondering is that does Pinterest really allow affiliate marketing?
So the short answer to this question is
YES, Pinterest does allow affiliate marketing. However, there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow to ensure that you are not being blocked and suspended on Pinterest.
What does this mean?
Even though Pinterest does allow affiliate marketing, not all affiliate networks are allowed to have direct links placed Pinterest platform. This means that depending on the affiliate network that you’re a part of or the products that you’re promoting as well as which country you’re based in it could really differ on whether or not you’re able to use those links on Pinterest.
How do you actually promote affiliate products on Pinterest?
There are two main methods in which you can do it.

1. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing - Without a Blog
You don’t really need a website or any kind of blog in order to start affiliate marketing on Pinterest.
Using this method you can actually place direct links within the Pinterest platform and promote those directly to the products that you are an affiliate of and each time someone buys those products you tend to gain a commission now this would really come down to the affiliate network that you’re a part of!
To give an example, Amazon doesn’t really allow affiliate links on Pinterest when it comes to the US audience. However, it does allow direct affiliate links on Pinterest in some other countries.
So you need to check whether or not the affiliate marketplace or the merchant whose product you want to promote allows these links on Pinterest or not and also whether or not your country has some specific requirements for affiliate marketing.
Another popular affiliate platform such as ClickBank does allow links within Pinterest; however, not all links are allowed because that is very much product dependent some merchants allow you to promote those products through social media links such as Pinterest and some really don’t.
The key here is to really look into the product guidelines where you want to promote, look at the affiliate contract and see which platforms you can actually promote that product on and see if Pinterest falls into one of those categories or not.
What do you need to get started with Pinterest affiliate marketing without a blog?
You’re gonna need two main things:
The first thing that you need is an affiliate network. An Affiliate network is simply a marketplace where you can pick out products and services that you want to promote. Some examples of the marketplace include Amazon Associates, Share a Sale, Clickbank etc
The second thing that you’re going to need to start affiliate marketing on Pinterest is your own Pinterest account.
All you got to do is head to the Pinterest website and sign up for a free account right away.
You can find products to promote from Share a Sale.
- Log into the Shareasale platform. It is an affiliate marketing network with multiple categories that you can find products and services in!.
- Join a certain category
- Figure out what merchants or companies are promoting their products in this category.
- Click on join program
- Read the conditions related to that program. Figure out whether or not you are eligible to allow for this to apply for this program or not.
- Each program has different conditions based on different categories. Some of them will not really allow you to use all channels. Look around, browse through and see what are the programs that are going to be the right fit for you, your niche and your business.
Look around, browse through and see what are the programs that are going to be the right fit for you, your niche and your business.
7. There are some prohibited channels in some cases. Once you’ve read through to the agreement you can simply fill up your details and then click on join this program.
8. Once you join the program you can go and get an affiliate link or banner for promotion.
9. Now you need to be making a vertical pin which has some kind of text on it as well as a small description.
10. Now create a board, and then create pins under that board.
11. Upload the Vertical image and paste your affiliate link as shown below.

Here we are promoting tailwind which is a Pinterest marketing tool. You can see the description, pin title.
12. Make sure that you add a certain number of hashtags which disclose that it is either an ad or an affiliate or it is a sponsored post so that you meet the FTC guidelines.
#Ad #Sponsored #Affiliate
You can just add one of the Hastags so that you’re not going against the guidelines and your account doesn’t get accidentally blocked.
13. Now save the Pin to the right board and the most relevant board.
14. Once you hit publish you’ll be able to see it on your Pinterest profile and start making money from it .
2. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing - With a Blog
Method number two for making money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing is with a website or a blog. Many affiliate networks will only let you in if you have a website which means that there is an entry barrier to joining that affiliate network.
This again depends on which affiliate marketing network you want to join which niche it is in and which country it is in.
Before starting up with the blog make sure to figure out exactly which affiliate networks you want to join, which products you want to promote and what are the conditions that you need to meet to join these affiliate networks as well as start promoting their offers.
The safest way for you to promote affiliate links on Pinterest is by having your own website and the reason why I say this is because when you have a landing page on your website or on your blog. It is always safer to send the traffic to a landing page or option rather than directly promoting the affiliate page.
1. Now start creating specific blog posts which have affiliate links inside of them.
2. These blog posts can be anything such as a how-tutorials, it can be a regular blog post of yours where you share content regarding a certain industry. It can be a review post for example if you’re doing a product review posts which actually talk a little bit more about the product and explain exactly what it does, its pros and cons, etc.
3. Within these blog posts you’re going to embed your affiliate links and then you’re going to create pins on Pinterest which is going to direct traffic to these particular blog post.
A blog post has a higher rate of conversions and also allows more affiliate links.
There are multiple benefits to using method two versus method one.
A. The first benefit is that you have a higher rate of conversion when it comes to affiliate links because people usually want to have some kind of pre-sale information instead of just buying the product directly.
When you actually create helpful content which guides the consumer to figure out exactly how the product works and how that fits into their life then you have a higher chance of converting them into a sale which means you have a higher chance of making an affiliate commission on that product.
B. The second benefit is more links are allowed when you use this method. As we know that not all direct links are going to be acceptable by Pinterest either because of Pinterest policies or because of the affiliate network policies.
However, when you use your own website or blog there’s a high chance that pretty much all of your links which are affiliate links are going to be allowed and you can drive traffic to them and convert them using Pinterest.
For Pinterest Affiliate marketing, you can either go for the direct method or by having a blog.
Both of these methods actually require you to have a traffic strategy in place because if you don’t have an audience that is seeing these offers whether they are direct offers (directly sent to the product site) or they’re sent to your blog or website.
You do need to have some sort of audience that is seeing those offers in order to actually have conversions.
Let me know in the comments👇, which of the two methods you are going to use and your opinion on it.